excellent Lexington SC dental care

Dental Care is a Must for Perfect Teeth

Dentists make sure that their patients' teeth remain in good health and avoid any issues. By providing excellent care to adults and kids, dentists help ensure that people are proud of their teeth and don’t suffer from low self-esteem due to unattractive smiles. Most teeth are naturally imperfect, so help may be needed for issues like misalignment or gapped teeth. In addition, all teeth require professional cleaning to avoid issues like decay. Visiting a Trusted dentist in Lexington, SC regularly gives people access to important services like the following:

Routine Cleanings. By receiving regular teeth cleaning from a dentist, people can prevent damaging issues on their teeth. Plaque and tartar build up on teeth easily, and they can form a thick, hard layer that can be difficult to remove with a normal toothbrush. When dentists scrape this build up from teeth, it is referred to as dental scaling. Most people, however, don't have an issue with this hard buildup when they visit their affordable Lexington smile with confidence with Invisalign from a trusted Lexington SC dentist twice annually for a cleaning. Avoiding plaque and tartar buildup is one of the best ways to prevent cavities, gum disease and other forms of decay.

Braces. When teeth are not as straight as they could be, people may suffer from ill effects. It can be hard to adequately brush and floss between teeth that are crooked or too close together, as the gap between them may be too tight to access properly. Braces consist of metal wires and brackets that are connected and used to gradually reposition the teeth. Braces often take several years to have the most effect, as they have to be tightened slowly to avoid pain or problems within the mouth.

Invisalign. For people who don't want to wear metal braces, a pediatric dentist in Lexington SC may suggest another option like Invisalign. Invisalign is a clear set of plastic mouthguards that are made to specifically fit an individual's teeth. This treatment option is slower than traditional braces, but it doesn't have the same appearance and people don't know its being worn. Also, these mouthguards can be taken out and cleaned, so any type of food can be eaten.

With excellent Lexington SC dental care, people can ensure that their teeth remain in excellent shape. Dentists not only help with issues like decay prevention and oral hygiene, but they can also help with misaligned teeth. Options like metal braces or Invisalign can help correct teeth's placement and ensure a more beautiful appearance.